Host David Glass tutors the viewers on what to change when it comes to holiday traditions after a breakup. Etiquette expert, Lisa Gache, addresses what is and what is not appropriate in terms of gift giving to former in-laws, an ex-spouse, and others. Dave Harding, an adult of divorced parents shares his traditions for gift giving and holiday rituals now compared to what they were when he was a child. UCLA Sociology professor, Jessica Collette, talks about society’s emphasis on holiday traditions and how customs have changed; are trending now; and likely to change in the coming years. Comedy maven, Cherie Kerr, rounds out the show with her suggestions for the changes in the titles of popular holiday songs. She also offers Host Glass a suggestion on how to handle the children and two households.

Hosted by

Gary Millea

David J. Glass

Hosted by David J. Glass, your high-stakes family law litigator. Glass is uniquely qualified because in addition to his law degree, he holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Special Guests

The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Lisa Gaché

Lisa Gaché – Beverly Hills Manners, and author of spoke a lot about holiday etiquette among divorced couples. Though she commented on what is and was appropriate with behaviors manners, she noted that most situations were different and that divorcees would have to make their own prudent choices when it came to giving gifts to former family and friends, and how to make other choices going forward after the holidays. Her advice was sound and insightful and she talked good manners versus bad manners in all instances. She is the author of: Beverly Hills Manners: Gold Rules from the World’s Most Glamorous Zip Code (available on Amazon).

The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Dave Harding

Dave Harding – Video editor, photographer, videographer, podcaster and award-winning filmmaker, Harding has worked in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, New York City, Nashville and Boston publishing hundreds of videos and a few short films. He spoke with Host Glass about his upbringing and the differences in gift-giving with both parents. He compared his upbringing holiday traditions to those he says he will institute once he has his own family. Sharing his holiday customs was interesting and entertaining.

The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Jessica Collette

Jessica Collett – Professor of Sociology at UCLA, who also manages undergraduates, talked about the trends in holiday customs today compared to those of decades past. In some regards, she said, many family traditions don’t change, but she did say with more people having children out of wedlock; some choosing to just live together and never marry, did change up the standards of many holiday celebrations. Prof Collett shed some light on where she thought holiday traditions might be going in the future with the access to video conferencing being so prevalent. She shared information from her studies and made for a fascinating THG guest.

The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Cherie Kerr

Cherie Kerrwho heads KerrPR, ExecuProv, the Orange County Crazies and Ree-invent Films shared a bit of humor during the “Time Out” episode for this segment when she shared ideas for re-titling several holiday songs. She also offered up a solution to helping children who disliked being shuffled back and forth between two different households—two parents.