David Glass focuses on anger issues during the holidays with Dr. Stephanie Haibloom; an interesting conversation ensues with Steve Munoz and Brad Potter, owners of BreakRoom L.A. where you can literally throw a fit and items at the same time in a safe environment to relieve anger and frustration. Amazing Spiritualist, Craig Steven Phillips, demystifies meditation and teaches viewers a thing or two about how to do it, effortlessly. Comic, Charlie Twichell weighs in on what not to get your divorced parents in the way of holiday gifts.

Hosted by

Gary Millea

David J. Glass

Hosted by David J. Glass, your high-stakes family law litigator. Glass is uniquely qualified because in addition to his law degree, he holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Special Guests

The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Dr. Stephanie Haibloom

Dr. Stephanie Haibloom -is a licensed clinical psychologist and Anger Management Certified Fellow, and Secretary of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association. Stephanie also works with many victims of domestic violence. She explained anger as it relates to divorce and why people become their worst during that process and what causes them to act out. Most importantly, she offered several “therapies” to managing, conquering and dissolving anger.  Glass pointed her out as a must-have returning guest.


The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Steve Munoz & Brad Potter

 Steven Munoz & Brad Potter – owners of BreakRoom LA. These two genius innovators talked about how they started their unusual company and how to vent anger in a new way: by “trashing” things! With safety and emotional relief their main concerns, the two discussed the theory behind “the breakroom (literally): how it works and how reasonable it is to “break” in. They said their studies revealed that physically throwing things—from picture frames with once treasured photos, to plates and dishes, delivers the angry divorcee from stuffing it inward or taking it out on their ex. Host Glass promises to take the viewer to the location latter on in another segment of THG to see how it’s done; a real on-site tour and demonstration.


The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Craig Steven Phillips

Craig Steven Phillips, who has been a spiritual teacher and practitioner for the past 44 years, has a background in Buddhism and Taoism, Mr. Phillips was ordained into Buddhism by the Dalai Lama, and is also an Interfaith Minister. He is the author of two books: 

Living in the Flow: Reminders for a Supremely Happy Life, and The Buddha’s Dog.

The emphasis of his teaching is to demystify meditation and make it easy and accessible to everyone. He currently teaches in-person and online classes. One of the most popular of all THG guests, Phillips even demonstrated his meditation techniques on air, getting David Glass to join with him in process. Glass and the crew were totally chilled out after the demonstration by Phillip. “Got to have you back,” Glass said assertively when winding up his interview with Phillips.


The HourGLASS Podcast - Where Family Law & Psychology Intersect.

Charlie Twichell

Charlie Twichell – standup comedian and humorist spoke about what not to give your divorced parents for holiday gifts. Sidetracked here and there, Twichell also spoke about his divorced parents, what it was like growing up with a stepfather and a biological father from whom he longed for more affection. Charlie was funny and touching all at the same time.