David Glass focused on anger issues with Steve Munoz and Brad Potter,  who brilliantly conceived and founded BreakRoom L.A. where you can literally throw a fit and items at the same time in a safe environment to relieve anger and frustration. Their location attracts “divorce party throwers,” groups and individuals who can break things until they run out of steam. For about $1800 they will even give you a baseball bat or two to trash a fully functional car. In this Episode, Glass gets the pair to describe, blow by blow, the process from arrival at the smash and bash factory, to removing safety attire before a customer heads home. Munoz and Potter also shared with Glass why they think their new approach to shedding the hurt and anger inherent in a breakup through physical venting is such a winning remedy, though Host Glass is of the mindset: “Don’t try this at home.” It’s an interview worth watching and sharing, over and over, and something to look into if your divorce anger gets the best of you.

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Steve Munoz and Brad Potter

Steven Munoz & Brad Potter – owners of BreakRoom LA. These two genius innovators talked about how they started their unusual company and how to vent anger in a new way: by “trashing” things! With safety and emotional relief their main concerns, the two discussed the theory behind “the breakroom (literally): how it works and how reasonable it is to “break” in. They said their studies revealed that physically throwing things—from picture frames with once treasured photos, to plates and dishes, prevents the angry divorcee from stuffing it inward or taking it out on their ex. Host Glass still promises to take the viewer to the location later on in another Episode of THG to see how it’s done; a real on-site tour and demonstration.
