Audience Favorites: Jessica Collett
Same ‘ole holiday stuff? Not these days!
UCLA Sociology professor and undergrad co-chair, Jessica Collett, talks about society’s emphasis on holiday traditions; how these customs change after divorce; and how to handle these often-uncomfortable changes. Host Glass queries her on age-old traditions, how to create new ones, and how to adapt to them. She points to the use of sensitivity toward family members; most notably the children during this life-altering transition. Dr. Collett suggests flexibility, defining core values relative to holiday tradition changes, and letting the whole family create new holiday customs.
Jessica Collett
Jessica Collett – Professor of Sociology at UCLA, who also manages undergraduates, talked about the trends in holiday customs today compared to those of decades past. In some regards, she said, many family traditions don’t change, but she did say with more people having children out of wedlock; some choosing to just live together and never marry, did change up the standards of many holiday celebrations. Prof Collett shed some light on where she thought holiday traditions might be going in the future with the access to video conferencing being so prevalent. She shared information from her studies and made for a fascinating THG guest.